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Concert passes for the event are limited and they are going fast so don't wait!!! Get your concert pass NOW by contacting New Hope Fellowship now at 585-657-7983
CARMAN: FOR REAL-FOR NOW Rochester, NY September 7, 2009 @ 7:00PM
Learn About Carman Here > http://www.carman.org/ Carmen Quote: "Music prepares the way for the preaching of Gods Word."
Scroll down to get the full scoop also check out the Carman music video along the way.
CARMAN: FOR REAL-FOR NOW Rochester, NY September 7, 2009 @ 7:00PM
New Hope Fellowship (host) ~ Zion Fellowship (venue) 5188 Bristol Rd. ~ Canandaigua, NY 14424 Call: 585-657-7983 ~ $5.00 Per Pass Printable Location Map
Personal Message From The Founder Of This Website: One thing I've always thought would be good idea is for the Body of Christ to have is a general source for Christians ( one Body, one Spirit, in Christ Jesus ) to go to find out about the hot and happening activities and events near by His Kingdom people. I've personally gone to many churches in my area and they all have some awesome things happening that could be even more awesome if they had more people show up. This could range anywhere from the scale of a Carman concert, Promise Keepers conference, 40 Days of Purpose crusades by local churches, to simple in home Bible study. Any resources or activities ( ideally Church sponsored ) that go towards assisting the sick or needy in the local community are also welcome here. My point is that living a Christian lifestyle with others in the Body is much more fulfilling than what the world has to offer. Knowing when and where they are happening near you is half the battle. So...I intend ( LORD WILLING ) to start filling this calendar with interdenominational "Christian Appropriate" activities, events and resources that I become aware of in my area. Any assistance that you may be able to provide me in so doing will be greatly appreciated. Matt 18:20 For where two or three are assembled in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Important Note: Although we at somebodiestreasures.com can not guarantee 100% compliance to ensure that all that is posted here will be "Christian Appropriate" it is our intent to achieve this standard to the best of our ability as our time and resources do allow. We may not be able to assure that all those who are taking advantage our services will abide in this endeavor so be wise and watchful for the things that are not of Christ. Any obvious offences should be brought to our attention immediately using the contact form by clicking HERE
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